5 Reads To Financial Freedom

Jinger Green
3 min readOct 29, 2020

2020 -The year that will forever be remembered as the year of ‘taking care of me’. The year where less, literally became more, gratitude managed attitude and saving became the new ‘lit’.

The world-wide-pandemic caused massive market volatility, job and income losses continue to compile, and most individuals experience some form of financial stress. The latter fueling the age old question: “How do I become financially free?”.

So what can you do to get ahead, get a handle on your finances and see your money grow? Educate yourself. Learn, learn and repeat! That is if, first hand advice from Mr. Warren Buffett, COE of Berkshire Hathaway, has made your list. But, simply reading the black and white text is not enough to pave your path to financial freedom; thinking and implementing their thoughts are.

To give you a head start we take a look at five of the best finance books of all time.

#1 Why didn’t they teach me this in school? by Cary Siegel

Realizing how inadequately schools taught his own kids about handling money, first gave Cary the idea for “Why Didn’t They Teach Me This in School: 99 Personal Money Management Principles to Live By”.

Focused on young minds, this book aims to update and inspire the youth to learn how to manage their money. It makes a great read even if your age has become a no-go topic; the principles Cary encapsulates into 8, easy-to-apply an to-the-point lessons, will ensure that you manage your money, and not the other way around. Siegel retired in his mid 40’s and that clearly proves that his advise and 99 principles is something to live by.

#2 The Science of Getting Rich. by Wallace Wattles

Wattles introduces the world to the power of positive thinking in a unique way. A book that influenced a number of other authors and great books such as The Secret, The Law of Attraction, and the Law of Positive Thinking.

This book is based on the practicality of positive thinking. Getting rich, according to Wattles, is an exact science, and it has certain laws that monitor the process of achieving richness. Anyone has the capability of doing things in a certain way to get rich. This book discuss the facts and details around financial abundance, and how to get there.

#3 Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth by T. Harv Eker

There is a very fine line between wanting success and achieving it. The author dives deep and guides you through the secrets of achieving financial success. He addresses the differences between the mindsets of the rich and the poor and look at some distinctive characteristics to adapt if you want to be financially free. Eker gives a chance to identify and revise the blueprint of your money and spending habits and shows you how to increase your cash flow and accumulate your wealth the right way.

#4 Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!” by Robert Kiyosaki

20 years after its first publication, this book remains on the list of the best finance books in history.

Taking lessons from his childhood, Kiyosaki paints the picture of growing up in a home where there wasn’t a lot, with his father who wasn’t very wealthy and then turns the canvas to a friend of his father who was a prominent financial figure in his life. The book focuses on great habits to adapt, and teach your kids, when it comes to managing your money. According to Kiyosaki, wealth is all about how you handle the money you have.

#5 Broke Millennial: Stop Scraping By and Get Your Financial Life Together by Erin Lowry

No clue how to start your budget, let alone manage it? Financial jargon confusing you? Then this book is for you. Aimed at the young adults Lowry introduces smart ways to go from “flat-broke to financial badass”. It covers real life situations like splitting the bill with friends, everything you need to know about debt, interest and how to make your money work for you. This is an excellent book on managing money for those who are just starting out.



Jinger Green

Jinger Green is a Freelance writer, copywriter, editor and lifestyle fanatic. She uses her expert knowledge to write content that is sure to attract and engage.